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BreakBeatCode Hackathon On Demand
We are excited to announce that we have extended the BreakBeatCode Hackathon Competition through Saturday April 20th! This means that anyone who watches the recording of the BreakBeatCode Hackathon and shares their work has a chance to win a Nintendo Switch!The BreakBeatCode Hackathon is a free event where students ages 9 and up will learn how to create music with code using EarSketch, a free educational programming environment developed first at Georgia Tech. By the end of the Hackathon, students will have created their first remixes, and their music will be played during the live performance with special guest star Supernatural, the GOAT of freestyle hip hop. No prior coding knowledge or experience is required
Original air date:
April 12, 2024
2:00 PM


Apr 12

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